Wanted: the 5th group member for ‘Game of Dcamp’


Dcamp,banks foundation for young entrepreneurs, announced that it will start recruiting 5th group members of ‘Game of Dcamp’ where budding entrepreneurs are provided with offices and menntoring programs.

The team selected by GOD will receive various chances to participate in start-up support programs while staying in Dcamp. In addition, the team will be offered business networking, promotion and mentoring opportunities as well as be invited to ‘Sharing Day’ and social events attended by various experts.

Starting with the 5th group,  the office area will be provided. Through internal evaluation process, Dcamp will select a team which can receive up to 1billion won investment.

Requirements are: startups and pre-startups in the beginning stage which have prototypes or  completed teams. The team should have global competitiveness and be open-minded and innovative as well as proactive in working with other teams.

The recruitment due date is 8th of February. The selected team can reside in Dcamp for 6 months starting from the middle of March  and will be eligible for various supporting programs. The highest performer can extend their stay in Dcamp up to 1 year. Detailed information is available on Dcamp website.
