Rehoboth Started Autonomous Working System to Improve ‘Happiness Index’


Rehoboth business incubator park (Rehoboth) said they started autonomous working system on 18th.


Considering employees who live in a long distance from company, and employees who want to improve themselves in the afternoon, autonomous working system allows employees to work in more flexible time, which means they can start work one hour earlier than 9:00 a.m., or get off work one hour later than 6:00 p.m.


Rehoboth business incubator park logo

It’s the first time Rehoboth starts autonomous working system, and it lasts for 5 months to the end of this year. Problems happen during the time will be fixed.

Rehoboth representative Yong Dou said, we start the autonomous working system in order to improve employees’ happiness index. We hope every employee could work in their preferred time. It will be a good chance for employees and the company to grow up together.
